Terms Condition

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Terms and Conditions for hasanrabbi.com: Building a Digital Masterpiece

Welcome to hasanrabbi.com! By using this website (the “Website”) and my services (yep, that’s me, Hasan Rabbi!), you agree to these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”). If you disagree with any part, well, using the Website might not be the best fit.

Getting Started: Our Project Journey

To embark on your digital odyssey, you’ll need to contact me and discuss your project’s vision. Once we’re on the same page, I’ll craft a proposal outlining the project scope, timeline, and investment (that’s a fancy word for fees). If you’re happy with the plan, we’ll solidify it with a formal agreement.

Your Responsibilities: Supplying the Bricks and Mortar

Here’s your part: you’re responsible for providing all the necessary information and materials for the project in a timely manner. Think of it like supplying the bricks and mortar for your website’s foundation. Throughout the project, you’ll also be involved in reviewing and approving my work, ensuring it aligns with your vision. Communication is key, so feel free to provide feedback as we build your digital masterpiece.

Intellectual Property: Owning Your Creative Space

I retain ownership of any intellectual property I develop for your project, unless we have a separate written agreement stating otherwise. But don’t worry, you’ll own all rights to the content and information you provide. If the project involves unique intellectual property considerations, we can discuss a separate agreement to ensure everything is crystal clear.

Payment Terms: Keeping Things Smooth

Payment terms will be clearly outlined in our project agreement. Typically, there might be an upfront deposit, with the remaining balance due upon project completion. To keep things running smoothly, I reserve the right to pause work if payment isn’t received as agreed.

Revisions and Changes: Adapting to Your Needs

The project agreement might include a limited number of revisions. If you have additional requests, we can discuss them, but they might come with an extra fee. Remember, significant changes to the project scope might require a revised agreement.

Guarantees and Disclaimers: Setting Realistic Expectations

I can assure you my services will be delivered with reasonable care and skill. However, there are no magic guarantees in the digital world. That’s why I disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In simpler terms, I’ll do my best to create a website that meets your needs, but I can’t promise it will work miracles (although, wouldn’t that be cool?).

Termination: Parting Ways

There might come a time when our collaboration needs to end. I reserve the right to terminate these Terms or your access to the Website for any reason, with or without notice. On your end, you can simply stop using the Website.

Limiting Liability: Keeping Things Fair

My goal is to avoid any unforeseen complications. That’s why, in no event, will I be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from these Terms, the Website, or my services.

Governing Law: The Legal Landscape

These Terms will be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of Bangladesh.

Entire Agreement: The Big Picture

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and me regarding your use of the Website and my services.

Severability: A Safety Net

If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that specific provision will be struck, but the remaining provisions will stay in full force and effect.

Keeping Up-to-Date: Revisions to the Terms

The digital world is constantly evolving, and so might these Terms. I reserve the right to update them at any time. The revised Terms will be effective immediately upon posting on the Website. So, peek back occasionally to stay informed.

Contacting Me: Let’s Talk!

If you have any questions about these Terms, feel free to reach out at info@hasanrabbi.com.

Looking to Collaborate? Let's Work Together!

I’m always looking to connect with fellow creative minds on exciting new projects. Whether you need help with web design, branding, or marketing materials, I’d love to hear from you.

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